Dirty Games (December 2024)
Petty politicking in Ladakh will have terrible consequences
The Big Slide (January 2024)
Why the Indian Army is no longer a professional fighting force
Three Days in Dhaka (April 2023)
Receding democracy, growing cult and a nation on the move
A Nobel for Mr Modi (September 2022)
With its aim of ensuring a saffron CM in J&K, BJP blunders on
The Art of Making Heroes (June 2022)
The government has reasons to seek momentary calm in Kashmir
The Art of Illusionism (May 2022)
Raisina Dialogue versus Alternative Dialogue
Leave Afghanistan Alone (August 2021)
We need to focus on our own internal and external problems
A Cause Lost to Time (March 2021)
How China, India and Tibetans defeated the idea of Tibet
While We Slept (February 2021)
How India became a majoritarian State and we didn’t get to know
Two Books and a New Year (January 2021)
National security, nationalism and the idea of India
Veil of Terror (October 2020)
The government redefines its focus on terrorism for convenience sake
No Time for Games (August 2019)
Kashmir is too serious an issue for opportunistic politicking
Let Actions Talk (April 2019)
Helping martyrs’ families is good, but let’s help the living too
Price of Peace (March 2019)
By choosing violence over talks we are closing all windows for ourselves
MeToo for the Military (November 2018)
Women in uniform need a voice too
In the Garb of AFSPA (September 2018)
Litigating men in uniform portends ill for the institution
Humans of Kashmir (July 2018)
A change in perspective is needed for peace
Defence Carnival (May 2018)
A defence trade show’s primary purpose cannot be public entertainment
Media has been Managed (March 2018)
Now they represent the powerful, not the powerless
Public Display of Patriotism (November 2017)
Forced sense of nationalism doesn’t help anyone
National Pride (August 2017)
When love for the country means being a card-carrying nationalist
Different Voices (July 2017)
Sectarian violence should be counted as one of the risks to businesses
A Moment for Modi (April 2017)
Dreams of a chronic optimist
Public Work (March 2016)
Let this be the domain of public servants, not government officers
No One Size Fits All (February 2016)
The UN moves towards evolving a framework for global terrorism
Talk, Not Hector (December 2015)
Threats don’t work, nor does silence
A Truth Too Many (November 2015)
Lies and illogic have to be countered openly and publicly
Hit and Run (October 2015)
Raising the bar for what is acceptable as a secular democracy
Prejudice-Train (September 2015)
The enemy may be invisible but we know what he/she wears
The Roadmap Please (July 2015)
The Modi government needs to overhaul its approach to Kashmir
Our Own Battles (August 2014)
Indians fighting in Iraq should be a wake-up call to the government
Engage, Not Alienate (July 2014)
If you don’t get the ideas right, you will get the policies wrong
While We Were Busy (April 2014)
Maoists are now exploiting the virgin territories of Northeast India
The Weak Links (December 2013)
Human resource is an important element for national security
The Right Lessons (July 2013)
Inter-uniform rivalry is alright, derision is not
United Effort (June 2013)
Each state cannot fight and win the war against Left-Wing Extremism
Centre of Gravity (May 2013)
LWE may not be making headlines, but it is still alive and kicking
Collective Complicity (March 2013)
The government killed a terrorist but resurrected a martyr
Young Force (January 2013)
Indian Army can engage with the Kashmiri youth, but only in a limited way
Days of Yore (December 2012)
Once there was a media policy, now there is fire-fighting
No Offence Please (October 2012)
Offended mobs are not as spontaneous as they look
Justice, it is (September 2012)
The Naroda Patiya verdict shows that certain things do work
Resolve Now (June 2012)
The government should not let absence of violence lull it into complacency
Rule of Heart (May 2012)
Policing and development combination is not enough to defeat the Maoists
Summer’s Hope (April 2012)
The government must not allow another opportunity go waste in Kashmir
The End is Nigh (January 2012)
Why some of the threats of Islamic terrorism are fantastical
Mission Youth (December 2011)
Kashmir University has a new man in charge
Fatal Flaw (November 2011)
Police modernisation has to move beyond tokenism
Soldiers All (September 2011)
We also need to remember the unsung heroes of the CRPF
Matter of Choice (August 2011)
In the end, we are all cogs in the wheels of nation-building
Life and Honour (July 2011)
We need the quick rethink on our counter-Maoist strategy
Blood Stains (May 2011)
No matter how much Gujarat progresses, 2002 will continue to haunt Modi
In Gaddafi’s Land (April 2011)
The supreme commander controls even the thoughts of the people
Embrace the Change (March 2011)
Churning in the Middle East is good for the world
NHRC’s Job (December 2010)
Discuss human rights, instead of turning it into a competition
Reign of Triviality (November 2010)
Opportunistic politics compromises India’s national interests
Lull, Not Peace (October 2010)
We needs both imagination and large-heartedness to resolve Kashmir
In Praise of Intolerance (August 2010)
Certain customs and practices deserve not to be tolerated
Theatre of the Absurd (June 2010)
Media must desist from playing up the fatwa racket
Anatomy of Loss (May 2010)
Prejudice, delayed justice and a family in ruins
Lies, Damned Lies (April 2010)
As a nation, we prefer to turn our back to truth
Such a Long Journey (March 2010)
Omar Abdullah needs one moment of boldness to silence his critics
The Babri Monster (December 2009)
Let’s just bury it and move on
The Good Muslim (November 2009)
The ulemas should help remove prejudices about Islam
Push against the Wall (September 2009)
A case for the CRPF cadre officers
Baptism by Fire (August 2009)
Lessons from the Kashmiri streets
Deadly Cocktail (July 2009)
Dangers of playing politics with religion
Defeating Taliban (June 2009)
Take the war to the next generation
Assuming Victimhood (May 2009)
Pakistan has built Taliban as a monster to highlight its helplessness
Dangers of Law (April 2009)
Sometimes the saviours turn into villains
Don’t Sweat over Swat (March 2009)
We need to focus on terrorist groups that are targeting India
Rule of the Mob (February 2009)
State must treat hooligans as criminals
Uncivil War (January 2009)
Pakistan military is emasculating the civil society
Weep India Weep (December 2008)
At least now deny terrorism the cloak of religion
Mental Ghettos (November 2008)
Bad times can throw up good opportunities for Muslims
The Battle has Come Home (October 2008)
Madrassas cannot provide a balanced world-view
Importance of Being Iran (August 2008)
A strong, mainstream Iran will help stabilise the Middle East
What Terrorism? (July 2008)
Dar-ul-Uloom needs to define Jihad instead
Solitary Marcher (June 2008)
The indomitable spirit of the Indian soldier
Action Time (May 2008)
The government needs to take definitive action on Naxalism
A Poem for Fanatics (April 2008)
Use culture to fight terrorism
Don’t Count on Democracy (March 2008)
Fighting terrorism has nothing to do with democracy
Let the Music Play (February 2008)
Don’t take fun out of faith
Appeasement? Really? (November 2007)
When on the defensive, the BJP and its cohorts raise the bogey
In the League of their Own (October 2007)
Soul searching in the month of Ramzan
Justice for All (September 2007)
Fight against terrorism should take the causes into account
Men to Sacrifice (August 2007)
Replace mammoth CRPF with multiple highly-trained forces
Remains of the Fire (July 2007)
Indians continue to remain oblivious to the Naxal problem
Fact and Fiction (June 2007)
The importance of perception management
Kill Ratio (May 2007)
Should be made irrelevant to career growth
Left Scare (April 2007)
Even without the foreign hand, Naxalism has increased its reach in India
Heart of the Matter (March 2007)
On terrorism, India and Pakistan have different world views
Fighting a Ghost (February 2007)
When it comes to national security, who dare argue
In Defence (January 2007)
AF(SP)A is not the only act we need to worry about
Borderline People (December 2006)
Reservation is not the answer to bring Muslims in the mainstream
Veiled Threat (November 2006)
Leave the women alone please
Killer Streak (October 2006)
Irrespective of religion, violence is intrinsic to human beingst
Another Chance (September 2006)
Terrorist violence is too cheap a price to squander peace
Talking With the Enemy (August 2006)
Why India cannot be like Israel
On Whose Side is God? (July 2006)
In an unjust war it is very difficult to tell
Age of Radicalism (June 2006)
The practice is more important than the text
Fight Among Equals (May 2006)
The government must stop arming civilians to fight the terrorists
Need to Think Again (April 2006)
Presence of democracy is no guarantee against terrorism
For God’s Sake (March 2006)
You cannot make a point about peace through violence
Democracy’s Devastating Dance (February 2006)
Elections are no antidote for terrorism
Issues of Image (January 2006)
Changes will have to come from within
Burden of Guilt (December 2005)
The motive of terrorists is always political than religious