First Person | Ghazala Wahab

Dirty Games (December 2024)
Petty politicking in Ladakh will have terrible consequences

The Easy Way (October 2024)
If veterans only talk about geopolitics, who will talk about the military

Memoirs of Our Times (September 2024)
Nandita Haksar’s autobiography is the story of India and the loss of a dream

The Big Slide (January 2024)
Why the Indian Army is no longer a professional fighting force

Limits of Democracy (August 2023)
Elections do not guarantee security and justice if the majority is radicalise

Military Power Not Built on Slogans (July 2023)
Aatmanirbharta will remain pipedream as long as domestic defence industry takes shortcuts

Intellectual Deficit (May 2023)
When the going gets tough, draw a comparison with Pakistan and feel good

Three Days in Dhaka (April 2023)
Receding democracy, growing cult and a nation on the move

A Request to Veterans (January 2023)
Writing on China or criticising the government is not an anti-national activity

Premium on Citizenship (December 2022)
This is leading to denial of government largesse to a section, ghettoisation and insecurity

A Nobel for Mr Modi (September 2022)
With its aim of ensuring a saffron CM in J&K, BJP blunders on

Ruse of the Reforms (August 2022)
Driven by compulsions, the Agnipath scheme will militarise the unemployed

A Shadow in the Dark (July 2022)
India has never been so vulnerable internally and externally as it is today

The Art of Making Heroes (June 2022)
The government has reasons to seek momentary calm in Kashmir

The Art of Illusionism (May 2022)
Raisina Dialogue versus Alternative Dialogue

De-Radicalise, Now (April 2022)
The Kashmir Files film has nothing to do with either Kashmir or the tragedy of the Pandits

A Matter of No Choice (March 2022)
The Russia-Ukraine war has thrown Indian diplomatic calisthenics off-balance

The Tale of Two Books (February 2022)
From conundrum to crossroads, how Kashmir continues to exercise hearts and minds

The Fine Line (September 2021)
The importance of preventing history from becoming a propagandist’s tool

Leave Afghanistan Alone (August 2021)
We need to focus on our own internal and external problems

Much Talk About Nothing (July 2021)
PM Modi’s meeting with Kashmiri politicians and Stockholm syndrome

Business of Talks (April 2021)
Too much craft and prejudice has dictated government approach to Kashmir; needed now is far-sightedness

A Cause Lost to Time (March 2021)
How China, India and Tibetans defeated the idea of Tibet

While We Slept (February 2021)
How India became a majoritarian State and we didn’t get to know

Two Books and a New Year (January 2021)
National security, nationalism and the idea of India

Veil of Terror (October 2020)
The government redefines its focus on terrorism for convenience sake

The Quicksand of Kashmir (August 2020)
A year after the abrogation of Articles 370 and 35A, the situation remains dire

Uncivilised War (June 2020)
To end the current bickering between cadre and IPS officers, government must give former its due

The Uncomfortable Question (May 2020)
The Indian veterans must do more than raising nationalistic slogan

Closer to Precipice (April 2020)
The new law on domicile status will only further the separatist sentiment in Kashmir

The Outsider’s Insight (November 2019)
Why sometimes it is more useful to have an outsider’s perspective

No Time for Games (August 2019)
Kashmir is too serious an issue for opportunistic politicking

Two Shots in One (July 2019)
For the government of India, casting terrorism as the main threat serves more than one purpose

Let Actions Talk (April 2019)
Helping martyrs’ families is good, but let’s help the living too

Price of Peace (March 2019)
By choosing violence over talks we are closing all windows for ourselves

Public Knowledge (February 2019)
With mere license production, we cannot attain the goal of self-reliance

A Tale of Two Chiefs (January 2019)
The army chief could have offered better reasons for resisting women in combat

MeToo for the Military (November 2018)
Women in uniform need a voice too

The Fist is Bare (October 2018)
The army’s tough-guy act in Kashmir is reflective of the situation not being in its control

In the Garb of AFSPA (September 2018)
Litigating men in uniform portends ill for the institution

Humans of Kashmir (July 2018)
A change in perspective is needed for peace

Hope in Times of Fear (June 2018)
On the escalatory ladder of violence, suppression is met with defiance

Defence Carnival (May 2018)
A defence trade show’s primary purpose cannot be public entertainment

Media has been Managed (March 2018)
Now they represent the powerful, not the powerless

Soul of the Nation (February 2018)
India is one of those rare countries which loses so many of its soldiers without a war

Read. Reflect. Repeat (January 2018)
Lack of reading in the new generation of officers is a serious malaise

Public Display of Patriotism (November 2017)
Forced sense of nationalism doesn’t help anyone

No Global Terrorism (October 2017)
The sooner we realise this, faster we will be able to address our problems

National Pride (August 2017)
When love for the country means being a card-carrying nationalist

Different Voices (July 2017)
Sectarian violence should be counted as one of the risks to businesses

No End in Sight (June 2017)
The State needs an empathetic outlook towards the people caught between the Maoists and the security forces

More Deaths in the Jungle (May 2017)
Without an effective policy, the war against the Maoists cannot be won

A Moment for Modi (April 2017)
Dreams of a chronic optimist

The Road Less Travelled (March 2017)
Comparison of the Indian Army with others reduces its accomplishments

War Got Dirtier (February 2017)
By increasing the role of the IAF in counter-Maoist operations, government is sending the wrong message

The Balance Sheet (January 2017)
The out-going chief of air staff ACM Arup Raha sums up his tenure in a press meet

The Idea of Secularism (November 2016)
The Supreme Court’s review of the Hindutva judgment raises hope for maintaining India’s diversity

Spot the Terrorist (October 2016)
While India laments international terrorism, the home-grown ones flourish

Self-Inflicted Wounds (September 2016)
Saeed Naqvi’s bold book could have been better had he touched upon the importance of reforms among the Muslims

Small Men, Big Claims (July 2016)
The recent Pampore tragedy exposed much more than our ill-preparedness

Public Work (March 2016)
Let this be the domain of public servants, not government officers

No One Size Fits All (February 2016)
The UN moves towards evolving a framework for global terrorism

Talk, Not Hector (December 2015)
Threats don’t work, nor does silence

A Truth Too Many (November 2015)
Lies and illogic have to be countered openly and publicly

Hit and Run (October 2015)
Raising the bar for what is acceptable as a secular democracy

Prejudice-Train (September 2015)
The enemy may be invisible but we know what he/she wears

Let’s Grow Apples (August 2015)
Settling ex-servicemen in Kashmir would endanger their lives instead of honouring it

The Roadmap Please (July 2015)
The Modi government needs to overhaul its approach to Kashmir

Image Management (June 2015)
The Prime Minister has been too busy cultivating his own image abroad to seriously look into internal challenges

Invest in the Khaki (May 2015)
As first responders to internal security, police must be professional and honourable

Old Threats, New Force (April 2015)
With multiple insurgencies in various stages of brewing, we need a new CI force

Winter Lingers On (March 2015)
The PDP-BJP alliance may have possibilities, but at the moment they look bleak

On the Same Side (February 2015)
Unless the army realises that the media is not an antagonist it will continue to miss the point about communication

Halved by Religion (January 2015)
The J&K elections have brought to life the once buried two-nation theory

Media Management (December 2014)
Intolerance of criticism is a major reason behind blacklisting some journalists who try to do their job objectively

Road to the Right (November 2014)
Indiscipline is never restricted to one part; it spills over in all aspects of one’s life

Conditions Apply (October 2014)
While Indian generosity was at its peaks during J&K flood relief, jingoism also raised its ugly head

Toilet Talk (September 2014)
If we haven’t lost the ancient learning of Ayurveda or yoga, how did we lose engineering skills?

Our Own Battles (August 2014)
Indians fighting in Iraq should be a wake-up call to the government

Engage, Not Alienate (July 2014)
If you don’t get the ideas right, you will get the policies wrong

Much Ado About Nothing (June 2014)
Article 370 is a non-issue and has nothing to do with the resolution of Kashmir issue

For India’s Sake (May 2014)
For a nation as vast as India, we need a leader who takes pride in its diversity

While We Were Busy (April 2014)
Maoists are now exploiting the virgin territories of Northeast India

Age of Mediocrity (March 2014)
Mediocre people support and promote other mediocre people so that they can all co-exist

No Room for Nostalgia (February 2014)
The reality of Kashmir is so harsh today that romanticism only makes it worse

It’s Only Words (January 2014)
In his second press meet as CNS, Admiral Joshi played it extremely safe

The Weak Links (December 2013)
Human resource is an important element for national security

Warts Within (November 2013)
If Muslims continue to wait for the government to do something for them, they will remain victims

Honour and Honesty (October 2013)
Among his various loose comments, has Gen. V.K. Singh also admitted to perjury?

Cost of Conflict (September 2013)
Vested interests across political-bureaucratic divide prevent resolution

The Right Lessons (July 2013)
Inter-uniform rivalry is alright, derision is not

United Effort (June 2013)
Each state cannot fight and win the war against Left-Wing Extremism

Centre of Gravity (May 2013)
LWE may not be making headlines, but it is still alive and kicking

Innocence at a Loss (April 2013)
Juvenile delinquents need a State that can adopt and mould them, not punish them

Collective Complicity (March 2013)
The government killed a terrorist but resurrected a martyr

Show Management (February 2013)
For the Aero India to be successful, private sector will have to play a bigger role

Young Force (January 2013)
Indian Army can engage with the Kashmiri youth, but only in a limited way

Days of Yore (December 2012)
Once there was a media policy, now there is fire-fighting

The Demon Within (November 2012)
Stealthily, the communal virus seems to have crept into the military blood stream

No Offence Please (October 2012)
Offended mobs are not as spontaneous as they look

Justice, it is (September 2012)
The Naroda Patiya verdict shows that certain things do work

Proud to be Secular (August 2012)
In India, the alternative is not only scary but destructive for nation-building

Enemy Within (July 2012)
Zabiuddin Ansari’s arrest should be used to understand why he went the other side

Resolve Now (June 2012)
The government should not let absence of violence lull it into complacency

Rule of Heart (May 2012)
Policing and development combination is not enough to defeat the Maoists

Summer’s Hope (April 2012)
The government must not allow another opportunity go waste in Kashmir

Heading for Disaster (March 2012)
Government needs to save the CAPFs from the clutches of vested interests

The End is Nigh (January 2012)
Why some of the threats of Islamic terrorism are fantastical

Mission Youth (December 2011)
Kashmir University has a new man in charge

Fatal Flaw (November 2011)
Police modernisation has to move beyond tokenism

Making Over Modi (October 2011)
The weight of 2002 is not the only thing that goes against the Gujarat CM

Soldiers All (September 2011)
We also need to remember the unsung heroes of the CRPF

Matter of Choice (August 2011)
In the end, we are all cogs in the wheels of nation-building

Life and Honour (July 2011)
We need the quick rethink on our counter-Maoist strategy

More Deaths in Vain (June 2011)
The government continues to repeat the same mistakes against the Maoists

Blood Stains (May 2011)
No matter how much Gujarat progresses, 2002 will continue to haunt Modi

In Gaddafi’s Land (April 2011)
The supreme commander controls even the thoughts of the people

Embrace the Change (March 2011)
Churning in the Middle East is good for the world

Majority Rule (February 2011)
The Dara Singh verdict shows that even judiciary is not impervious to propaganda

Rule of the Khaki (January 2011)
When security overrules governance, calls for justice will have to be silenced

NHRC’s Job (December 2010)
Discuss human rights, instead of turning it into a competition

Reign of Triviality (November 2010)
Opportunistic politics compromises India’s national interests

Lull, Not Peace (October 2010)
We needs both imagination and large-heartedness to resolve Kashmir

Shades of Azadi (September 2010)
Address the rage and frustration of the youth and everything else will follow

In Praise of Intolerance (August 2010)
Certain customs and practices deserve not to be tolerated

Link to the Land (July 2010)
Unless people are made stake-holders, they will not understand development

Theatre of the Absurd (June 2010)
Media must desist from playing up the fatwa racket

Anatomy of Loss (May 2010)
Prejudice, delayed justice and a family in ruins

Lies, Damned Lies (April 2010)
As a nation, we prefer to turn our back to truth

Such a Long Journey (March 2010)
Omar Abdullah needs one moment of boldness to silence his critics

Peace and Poetry (February 2010)
India-Pakistan need more than that for a lasting resolution of outstanding issues

Home Affairs (January 2010)
Chidambaram has offered a perfect remedy for internal security. But will politics let it happen?

The Babri Monster (December 2009)
Let’s just bury it and move on

The Good Muslim (November 2009)
The ulemas should help remove prejudices about Islam

Winds of Change (October 2009)
Centre’s decision to engage with Kashmiri Separatists was long overdue

Push against the Wall (September 2009)
A case for the CRPF cadre officers

Baptism by Fire (August 2009)
Lessons from the Kashmiri streets

Deadly Cocktail (July 2009)
Dangers of playing politics with religion

Defeating Taliban (June 2009)
Take the war to the next generation

Assuming Victimhood (May 2009)
Pakistan has built Taliban as a monster to highlight its helplessness

Dangers of Law (April 2009)
Sometimes the saviours turn into villains

Don’t Sweat over Swat (March 2009)
We need to focus on terrorist groups that are targeting India

Rule of the Mob (February 2009)
State must treat hooligans as criminals

Uncivil War (January 2009)
Pakistan military is emasculating the civil society

Weep India Weep (December 2008)
At least now deny terrorism the cloak of religion

Mental Ghettos (November 2008)
Bad times can throw up good opportunities for Muslims

The Battle has Come Home (October 2008)
Madrassas cannot provide a balanced world-view

The Next Generation (September 2008)
The challenge is to prevent the alienation of the next generation of Kashmiris

Importance of Being Iran (August 2008)
A strong, mainstream Iran will help stabilise the Middle East

What Terrorism? (July 2008)
Dar-ul-Uloom needs to define Jihad instead

Solitary Marcher (June 2008)
The indomitable spirit of the Indian soldier

Action Time (May 2008)
The government needs to take definitive action on Naxalism

A Poem for Fanatics (April 2008)
Use culture to fight terrorism

Don’t Count on Democracy (March 2008)
Fighting terrorism has nothing to do with democracy

Let the Music Play (February 2008)
Don’t take fun out of faith

The Devil is Out (January 2008)
Religion brings out the saint or devil in the faithful, depending upon how it is used

War of Words (December 2007)
As Indian forces do internal security jobs, they should shun euphemistic war jargon

Appeasement? Really? (November 2007)
When on the defensive, the BJP and its cohorts raise the bogey

In the League of their Own (October 2007)
Soul searching in the month of Ramzan

Justice for All (September 2007)
Fight against terrorism should take the causes into account

Men to Sacrifice (August 2007)
Replace mammoth CRPF with multiple highly-trained forces

Remains of the Fire (July 2007)
Indians continue to remain oblivious to the Naxal problem

Fact and Fiction (June 2007)
The importance of perception management

Kill Ratio (May 2007)
Should be made irrelevant to career growth

Left Scare (April 2007)
Even without the foreign hand, Naxalism has increased its reach in India

Heart of the Matter (March 2007)
On terrorism, India and Pakistan have different world views

Fighting a Ghost (February 2007)
When it comes to national security, who dare argue

In Defence (January 2007)
AF(SP)A is not the only act we need to worry about

Borderline People (December 2006)
Reservation is not the answer to bring Muslims in the mainstream

Veiled Threat (November 2006)
Leave the women alone please

Killer Streak (October 2006)
Irrespective of religion, violence is intrinsic to human beingst

Another Chance (September 2006)
Terrorist violence is too cheap a price to squander peace

Talking With the Enemy (August 2006)
Why India cannot be like Israel

On Whose Side is God? (July 2006)
In an unjust war it is very difficult to tell

Age of Radicalism (June 2006)
The practice is more important than the text

Fight Among Equals (May 2006)
The government must stop arming civilians to fight the terrorists

Need to Think Again (April 2006)
Presence of democracy is no guarantee against terrorism

For God’s Sake (March 2006)
You cannot make a point about peace through violence

Democracy’s Devastating Dance (February 2006)
Elections are no antidote for terrorism

Issues of Image (January 2006)
Changes will have to come from within

Burden of Guilt (December 2005)
The motive of terrorists is always political than religious

Wahhabi, Deobandi or Barelvi? (November 2005)
In the age of global war on terror, get your religious nuances right


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