
The Myth of India’s Strategic Autonomy


34 years of counter-terrorism operations in Jammu and Kashmir show that this war cannot be won.


Indian Government is clueless about the situation in Kashmir


Modi’s visit to Russia bolstered bilateral ties but fell short on strategic objectives


Modi’s Missteps in Global Diplomacy : US Lawmakers, Dalai Lama, and the Tibet Dilemma


Missed Opportunities and Geopolitical Shifts: The Modi Government’s Decade


Bottom Line with Pravin Sawhney – Russian-Chinese Strategic Roadmap to 2030 | Force Magazine


Bottom Line with Pravin Sawhney: Lessons from the Kargil Conflict and Modern Warfare Dynamics


Bottom Line with Pravin Sawhney: China’s Information Support Force & Implications for Indian Defence


Bottom Line with Pravin Sawhney: Assessing Modi Gov’s Foreign Policy & G20 Summit


PM Modi’s Politicisation of the Indian Armed Forces


Prime Minister Vajpayee’s National Security Strategy: From Nuclear Tests to the Kargil Conflict


S. Jaishankar’s Strange Response to China’s Re-naming of Arunachal Pradesh Locations


India’s Defence and National Security under Prime Minister Indira Gandhi


Responding to CDS Gen Anil Chauhan’s Interview: India’s lack of Military Awareness of PLA Warfare


CDS Gen Anil Chauhan’s Interview: India’s Military Brass Clueless on PLA’s Warfare Evolution


Pravin Sawhney Responds to John Mearsheimer’s Interview: Analyzing India’s Global Standing


China’s Rising Power: Implications for India, America & Pakistan? Indian View from Delhi


भारत की राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा और रक्षा मोदी सरकार के अधीन


Indian Army does not understand China’s war


Between Fiction and Fantasy : 10 Years of Modi Government Foreign Policy


Lack of strategic thinking defines Modi government’s foreign policy


India’s Faltering Neighborhood First Policy Unveiled


Xi-Biden Peace Has Increased Chances of India-China War


Army’s Commander’s Conference Special Series: Part 3


Unraveling India’s Real Threats and Military Challenges


Three Part Series on Army Commader’s Conference


Understanding China’s Actions in Ladakh in April 2020


Bottom Line with Pravin Sawhney: India’s Tense Relationship with China and Potential Consequences


Decoding India-China Interaction at the BRICS Summit : Bottom Line with Pravin Sawhney


Has India Compromised Land for Peace with China?


Gen. M.M .Naravane misleads the nation on how war with China will be fought


Geopolitical Rumble in the East | Exploring India’s Stand Against China’s Economic Empire!


Lt Gen Kidwai has issued enough of a Warning


Indian Millitary is now Interacting with three US Combatant Commands


A Lowdown on the Deliverables : Key takeaways from Modi’s U.S visit


Three Part Series on How PM Modi’s US Visit has Made India More Vulnerable


3 Years After Galwan, India Still Lacks Political Courage and Military Capability to Fight China


Attempt to Militarily Grab Pakistan Occupied Kashmir Will Boomerang


Attempt to Militarily Grab Pakistan Occupied Kashmir Will Boomerang


How The Disastrous Rajnath Singh-Li Shangfu Meeting Takes India Closer to A War With China


Episode-5 : Drones

Lessons for India from Ukraine War


Episode 4 : Adversarial Attacks

Lessons for India from Ukraine War


Episode 3 : Long Range Fires

Lessons for India from Ukraine War


Episode 2: Military Competence

Lessons for India from Ukraine War


Lessons for India from Ukraine War

Episode-1: Political Determination


The Threat Named China

How India’s poor understanding about technology makes her vulnerable


India seems headed for war with China

India has aligned its foreign policy with US’ Indo Pacific strategy


Why Jaishankar is Wrong on China


Indian Army is in an Intellectual Mess


Claims on POK Make India More Vulnerable

Political rhetoric by senior military officers exposes their ignorance


CDS Gen. Chauhan Has a Limited Mandate

Indian military needs coordination, not jointness


Gen. Rawat’s Reforms Need To Be Junked

Not Rooted in Present Realities


How China Has Outsmarted India

PLA is preparing for a war the world has not seen


The War India is Not Preparing For

The Last War-Part 2


Unveiling ‘The Last War’ – Part 1

Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI) has arrived


Pakistan to Create Capabilities for Two New War Domains

Political instability will have minimal impact on CPEC


Ukraine Exposes the Unreliability of QUAD

India needs to learn the right lessons


China is the fulcrum of Pakistan’s National Security Policy

Both recognize the centrality of Kashmir in the emerging South Asian realities


In 2022, China-Pak Will Fine-tune Combined Operations Against India


CT Ops and Road to Mental Atrophy

How 30 years of chasing false enemies diminished the Indian military


The Biden-Xi Meeting Increases India’s Vulnerability

14th round of military talks will be on China’s terms


Why Pakistan is an Overmatch for India

The events of 5 August 2019 has strengthened Pakistan-China cooperation


China Has Imbalanced the Nuclear Deterrence Against the US

Critical for India to talk with Beijing so that it’s not caught in the global rivalry


Ladakh Is Now a Matter of Sovereignty for China

Yet, India remains clueless about the war Beijing is preparing for


Revocation of 370 will help Kashmiris, not India

Core concerns of Pakistan and China meet in Kashmir


The Belief That Nuclear Powers Don’t Go To War Does not Apply to Ladakh

India should prepare for one front reinforced war in Ladakh


No Lessons Learnt After One Year of Ladakh

India has still got the threat wrong


India Needs the Cyber Command Now

Without offensive cyber capabilities, India remains vulnerable


A Politicised Military is an Unprofessional Military

Serving officers must resist erosion of military ethos and learning


Temporary Peace, Permanent Threat

With India’s acceptance of 1959 LAC, it is now sovereignty issue for China


India Likely to Accept 1959 LAC

Gen. V.K. Singh’s comment suggests barter of land for peace


Not Quite Swarming at the Indian Army Parade

Micro drones show indigenous capability, but warfare is a long way to go


China helps Pakistan Upset Military Balance against India

By 2023, CENTAIC to have multiple verticals of excellence in military technology


By 2023, PLA Will be Ready for Futuristic War with India

While India continues to prepare for an archaic war


With BECA, India Will be US’ De Facto Military Ally

The threats from China will increase substantially


Troubles in Ladakh will Increase Not Diminish

Mismatch of Three Generations in War-fighting Doctrines


Look, the LAC has Disappeared !

For peace on Border Areas with China, India has paid a huge price


Unless Backed by Military Power, Warnings Mean Little

India should raise the level of talks with China to seek win win


India Continues to Misread the Chinese Threat

Unless India focuses on futuristic technologies, it will be left behind in the neighbourhood


China’s Ladakh Goalpost is Way Inside Indian territory

Caught in a Catch-22 situation, India is left with only unpleasant options


China had sown seeds for the Ladakh crisis in 2015

Obsessed with Pakistan, Indian Army ignored the warning signs for five years……


Disengagement on Chinese Terms

Lessons for India…


Why Disengagement Will Not Be Easy

But delay in disengagement will be disastrous…..


China Will Not Relent in Ladakh

India’s options are increasingly limited


गलवान का सच जानना देश का अधिकार है

यह सेना के मनोबल के लिए आवश्यक है…


चीन ने लद्दाख में बॉडर बदल दिया

भारत बढ़े दबाव में


Facade of Equal Security Collapses in Ladakh

With violence on the LAC, China will further harden its position


India Has no Military Options in Ladakh

And it will not have any in the future if the present thinking on war continues


China’s show of strength in Ladakh

Pushes India in a difficult corner


End Game Will Not be the End

Unless India prepares for the right war, China will continue to militarily coerce it


India Limits its Options

Longer face- off continues, stronger China will get


What Next in Ladakh ?

China has options short of War


LAC is More Dangerous Than LOC

In the silence of Chinese front lies the threat


China Ups the Ante on LAC

From early harvest in Sikkim to claims on Ladakh, China means business


China always looks at the big picture

What South China Sea, Somdorong Chhu and Doklam tell us


Ten Reasons Why Two-Front War Strategy will not Enhance India’s Military Strength


BrahMos at DefExpo 2020



In 15 years from now, technology will lead to the end of networks


Why Indian Military is Preparing for the Last War

In the next 10 years, the character of war will transform


Threats from Pakistan Have Increased

How Balakot air strike has made India more vulnerable


How China is Reshaping the World Order

Notes from the 9th Beijing Xiangshan Forum.


Mutual Vulnerability on LAC Critical For Mutual Trust

For regional peace, India and China need to find areas of cooperation


President Xi Jinping’s visit if it happens at all will be meaningless | Part 3

By holding Exercise Him Vijay in Arunachal now, India has indicated that it does not want the second informal summit at this moment


China Has Unleashed a New Monster

Pravin Sawhney explains how its hypersonic cruise missile and hypersonic glide vehicle will change future warfare


Why Doklam was a blunder | Part 2

FORCE editor Pravin Sawhney explains how India completely misread the Chinese accretion of forces in Tibetan Autonomous Region.


Why the coming India-China summit will throw difficult questions for us | Part 1

In the run-up to President Xi Jinping’s visit to India, FORCE editor Pravin Sawhney makes three observations on Chinese way of thinking. The Part 2 of this video will be live on September 28


Defence Minister Flies LCA Tejas

In a major boost to indigenisation, Rajnath Singh gives a thumbs-up to the home grown fighter


FORCE editor Pravin Sawhney explains why India lacks war preparedness

Corrigendum: Chief of Army Staff General B.C. Joshi who took command on 1 July 1993 died in harness within 10 months (and not 10 years as mentioned in the video erroneously). Also, the first election when Farooq Abdullah became CM was in 1996 not in 2002. The errors are regretted.


Why Pakistan is not a walkover

FORCE editor Pravin Sawhney explains why India must take Pakistan military seriously. And how it is as professional a force as any


Glimpses from Army 2019

FORCE was the only Indian magazine at Russian ministry of defence’s largest defence equipment exhibition Army 2019. We bring you some exclusive videos from the exhibition.

URAN-9 BMRK, multifunction robotic combat complex

An overview of the land systems on static display


At the opening of the Ansat helicopter

Gymnasts from Tartaristan, where Ansat is being manufactured, perform at the inauguration of the helicopter for the first time in Paris


Indian Army 1990-2018

Pravin Sawhney traces the devolution of the Indian Army from a professional fighting force to a defensive counter-terrorism force


Anti-Satellite Capability: Gimmick or a Milestone?

FORCE editor Pravin Sawhney says that hitting a live satellite at the altitude of 300km this morning was at best a technology demonstrator with no deterrence value. There was no need to announce it, and certainly no need for the Prime Minister to address the nation for this


Pravin Sawhney on recent Air Surgical Strike

Will Balakot Air Strike Be India’s New Normal With Pakistan?

Aerial Display – Yakovlevs aerobatic display team at Aero India 2019


Military Music | USAF PAC band performing at Aero India 2019


Full House | At the inauguration of Aero India 2019


And So it Begins | The inauguration of Aero India 2019 commences


Did the Indian Army leadership fail its own command by 2016 Surgical Strikes?


Media and the Military
Where FORCE executive editor Ghazala Wahab says that media has been reduced to doing public relations


Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman inside a MiG-29K


Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman interacting with Navy officials


A MiG-29K takes off from INS Vikramaditya


A MiG-29K lands on INS Vikramaditya at night


India Successfully Test Fires Brahmos Missile From Su-30MKI


In December 2017, the Indian Navy will celebrate the Golden Jubilee of its submarine arm. What an awesome video to celebrate the historic moment.


ATC Technology


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