By Invitation | From Ground to Air

Almaz-Antey Brings Full Portfolio to Aero India 2023

Almaz-Antey Air and Space Defence Corp. will take part in the 14th Aero India International Aerospace Exhibition to be hosted in Bengaluru. The Group will combine in its booth a number of products that have proven themselves in the global market. In particular, models of the long-range S-400 Triumph and medium range S-350E Vityaz surface-to-air missile systems will be presented to the public.


The S-400 Triumph is designed to provide effective defence against air strikes, strategic, cruise, and theatre ballistic missiles, as well as medium-range ballistic missiles in conditions of heavy fire and ECM.

The S-350E Vityaz SAM system is designed to defend administrative, industrial and military facilities against massive strikes by various types of modern and advanced air attack weapons, including multiple targets coming simultaneously from several direction, at extremely low to high altitudes. The S-350E can operate independently or be integrated into the customer’s air defence system.

In addition, visitors to the exhibition will be able to see the Tor family of short-range air defence missile systems (Tor-M2K, Tor-M2E, Tor-E2, the Tor-M2KM autonomous combat module mounted on the Indian TATA chassis, etc.) and the Typhoon-PVO (E) AAA vehicle.

For the first time, Indian visitors will see the 98R6E Abakan theatre ballistic missile defence system designed to defeat modern and advanced tactical and theatre ballistic missiles. The system consists of the 98L6E multifunction radar and 51P6E2 launchers (up to four). It is a reliable means of fighting the most dangerous ballistic targets and allows to engage threats both as part of an air defence system and on its own.

Also on display will be models of airborne radars Kasta-2E2, Gamma-DE and Podlyot-E. These are successfully used for detection, coordinate measurement, tracking, identification of air targets and future air attack weapons, including stealth, in conditions of active and passive jamming, as well as heavy fire.


The specialists of the group will also hold lectures on naval air defense systems. Almaz-Antey’s booth will provide information on the Shtil-1, Resurs, and Rif-M sea-based SAMs, Moskit-E and Moskit-MVE ship-based missile systems, and Podzagolovok-24E ship electromagnetic compatibility system. In addition, Almaz-Antey will provide information on the REDIKOM mobile maintenance and diagnostic shop.

Besides these, the visitors will be able to get acquainted with the characteristics of the Adjutant versatile target practice system complete with reusable targets imitating major advanced air attack means.

‘India has one of the largest, strongest and most modern militaries in the world, and Indian partners traditionally show great interest in the developments of our corporation, which has repeatedly demonstrated and confirmed their outstanding performance, efficiency, reliability and competitiveness,’ says Almaz-Antey’s Deputy Director for International Business Vyacheslav Dzirkaln. He emphasizes that the credit for this goes to the significant innovative, research, engineering and production potential of the enterprises and organisations that are part and parcel of the corporation Russia’s leading defence industry integrator.

According to the top manager, the main agenda of the Almaz-Antey delegation at Aero India 2023 is to bring potential partners up to speed as to the Corporation’s capabilities to develop, manufacture, maintain, extend the service life, as well as modernise and recycle manufactured products.

A group of 60 high-tech enterprises, Almaz-Antey is one of Russia’s largest integrated defence facilities employing 140 thousand people. Its products have been delivered to more than 50 countries. Almaz-Antey is cleared to conduct self-sustained foreign business involving military products, spares, maintenance and modernization of earlier supplied equipment. The Group pays special attention to the customer’s personnel training, operation and maintenance of supplied equipment, offers after-sales, maintenance, modernization and recycling services.



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