Letter from the Editor | June 2022

The June issue introduces Pravin Sawhney’s long awaited book, The Last War: India’s Final Showdown with China. A treatise on the use of Artificial Intelligence in warfare, the book points out that India’s biggest disadvantage against China would be that it is preparing for the wrong war. The Military Balance below underlines the capabilities on both sides and how they will be employed in war. Of course, the war is not a certainty. The book prescribes steps that India must take to ensure that peace prevails between the nations. The book will be out in August.


Military Balance

Capabilities and How They Will be Used in War


Indian Military PLA
Integrated Battle Groups Mission sets (Internet of Military Things)
AI-backed Independent Wars
Air Land Battle Information, Informatized & Intelligentized wars
Physical Battlespace Physical, Virtual, Information & Cognitive Battlespaces
Three War Domains Seven War Domains
Weapon Platforms Capabilities’ Nodes
Attrition Cognition
Tactical Operations Campaign Operations
Battlefields War Zone & Combat Zones
Two Front War One Front Reinforced War (North Kashmir)
Imported Munitions Indigenous Munitions
Deliberate Operations Lightening Campaign
Limited War War of Occupation



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