‘BEL has been visiting customers on a periodic basis to understand their requirements, acquisition process and to establish long-term customer relationship for enhancing export business’
Could you talk about how successful BEL has been in attaining technological leadership in defence electronics? Please share details about the major achievements recently?
Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL), with a vision of making India self-reliant, has been India’s foremost defence electronics company since 1954. BEL is steadily increasing its portfolio in defence electronics. It has been the most trusted partner of Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and spends eight per cent to nine per cent of its turnover on R&D. It has strengthened the armed forces (Indian Navy, Indian Air Force as well as Indian Army) with many indigenous defence systems in the field of radars, communication systems, Electronic Warfare systems, weapon systems, night vision devices, etc.
Some of the systems already delivered include the various surveillance and weapon locating radars, Akash Missile System, IFF radars, Air Defence Control & Reporting System (ADC&RS), Combat Management Systems (CMS) and Sonars for ships & submarines, ship-borne and land-based EW Systems, Communication equipment for Navy and Army, Digital Flight Control Computer (DFCC) & Avionics for Light Combat Aircraft (LCA), Night Vision devices, etc.
How does BEL contribute to the modernisation of armed forces? What are the latest products in defence and aerospace category?
Modernisation of armed forces happens through induction of state-of-the-art equipment and upgrading sensors and weapons on existing platforms. BEL is contributing in both these areas. Today, BEL is working on many new products such as AESA-based modern Multi-Mode Radars, Next Generation Electronic Warfare suites for fighter aircraft, Integrated EW systems for various terrains/ ships, Tactical Communication Systems, Battlefield Management Systems, Passive Night Vision Devices, Multi-sensor Stabilisation Systems with sensors, and new gun programme with target acquisition and fire control capabilities. Also, BEL is providing upgrade solutions like for Schilka and L70 guns.
Could you talk about the revenue expectations in FY18? Also, please talk about the order book position of BEL?
Revenue Expectations: BEL is likely to achieve a turnover mark of around Rs 10,000 crore for FY 2017-18. The company is deploying all efforts to sustain double digit growth in revenues year-on-year. Based on comprehensive analysis of the next five-year plan, proactive new business initiatives, new order acquisition and future business trends, the company is confident of reaching a turnover of Rs 15,000 crore in the next three to four years.
Order Book: The order book of the Company as on February 2018 is around Rs 40,350 crore. The order book comprises of major programmes like Integrated Air Command & Control Systems (IACCS), Long Range Surface to Air Missile System (LRSAM) and Battlefield Surveillance System (BSS). Then we have various Radar, Sonar and Communication equipment for new class ships, night vision devices, Radars, EW and Gun upgrades for Army, and Electronic Voting Machines with Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT) for Election Commission of India.
The Company has an export order book of around USD 93 million as on February 2018, including offset order book of USD 19 million.
To give thrust to exports is one of the objectives of BEL. Could you give an overview of your export business?
BEL has a dedicated International Marketing Division for providing an increased thrust for harnessing the export potential of defence electronics products and systems, which represent its core area of business.
BEL has been exporting various products and systems to friendly countries of India. Apart from this, BEL is interacting with Election Commissions of various democratic countries to market Electronic Voting Machines. Having established a Coastal Surveillance Radar System for few neighbouring countries, BEL is interacting with government on a regular basis for supply of the system to other friendly countries of India.
BEL has identified the market segments and has a structured market plan for its products and systems. BEL has been visiting customers on a periodic basis to understand their requirements, acquisition process and to establish long-term customer relationship for enhancing export business.
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