Integrating IACCS, Akash Teer, and Trigun should be the next step in NCW
Prof. Dinesh Kumar Pandey
The Indian Air Force (IAF) has designed an automated command and control system for air defence called the Integrated Air Command and Control System (IACCS) for strengthening network-centric operations (NCO) capabilities. The Air Force Network (AFNET) is the backbone for IACCS operations, integrating all ground and airborne sensors, AD weapon systems, and C2 nodes. It is a system the IAF uses to integrate and coordinate multiple air defence assets, such as radars, surveillance systems, and fighter aircraft, to provide thorough situational awareness and efficient command and control capabilities in the air domain.
In 2010, the IAF created the AFNET, a powerful digital information grid facilitating rapid and precise response to threats. The integration of additional service networks and civil radars in the future will offer operators an integrated air situation picture, enabling them to carry out their air defence responsibilities effectively.
The quickness with which a defender can respond to an attack is crucial in air defence operations, as it is directly influenced by their reaction time. The ability to react quickly can be the difference between success and failure in a fast-paced, dynamic environment where attackers always look for vulnerabilities. A prompt response can effectively thwart the attackers’ pursuit of their objectives. Attacks are more likely to be successfully deterred or their effects mitigated by defenders who can recognise and react to them promptly. IACCS provides an environment which enables uninterrupted and effective air operations. The project exemplifies Bharat Electronics Limited’s (BEL) significant collaboration with the IAF.
The IAF aims to achieve comprehensive situational awareness of a region by efficiently integrating its space, air, and ground assets through the IACCS. This initiative aims to provide comprehensive connectivity across India for terrestrial and aerial platforms, aligning with the network-centric approach of the Indian Air Force. The IACCS enables the seamless transmission of real-time visual imagery, data, and voice communications between satellites, aircraft, and ground stations.
IACCS gives commanders a complete, real-time perspective of the air domain, thus enhancing situational awareness. This speeds up threat detection, monitoring, and decision-making. The system integrates and coordinates air defence assets to allocate and use resources efficiently. Based on the threat scenario, it optimises radars, sensors, and fighter aircraft deployment for optimal coverage and response.
IACCS streamlines the operational inputs from the air defence units and other relevant resources. It facilitates seamless ground-to-ground and ground-to-air communication. Better coordination, enabled by IACCS, results in productive sharing of intelligence, planning, and synchronising air defence actions, improving efficacy.
Providing a recognised air situation picture (RASP) to air battle managers, formerly intercept directors, empowers them to direct offensive strikes adeptly alongside combat air patrols and armed interceptors. Furthermore, this will effectively mitigate the intricate challenges associated with airspace management.
The RASP must be accessible at all three levels to make prompt decisions. The three levels referred to are the strategic level, at air headquarters; the operational level, at command headquarters; and the tactical level, represented by the command-and-control centre in the field.
The rapid response capability of the IACCS makes it a credible air defence asset. It facilitates responding quickly to airborne threats with real-time information, automated analysis tools, and streamlined command and control. It speeds up decision-making and engages threatening planes or missiles.
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