In this Issue – January 2020

Letter from the Editor


2019 At a Glance | A Year Like No Other
It was the most eventful year in recent Indian history. Some may dispute the term eventful, preferring catastrophic instead. But to be fair, since we are too close to these events, it would be best to leave the judgment to history. Or to our readers. Judge for yourself what we achieved in 2019 and at what cost

Across Domains
Indian Army must prepare for the next war

Realise the Shortcomings
Indian Army is beset with outdated military hardware that hampers its war preparedness

The Building Blocks
At long last, India gets the much awaited Chief of Defence Staff

Organic Necessity
State-of-the-art UAVs are the future game changers and force multipliers

Focus on Mechanisation
FRCV and FICV are critical enablers for future defence capability generation

Futuristic Foot Soldiers
It is imperative to prepare the infantry for hybrid warfare

Small is Potent
The use of drones should move beyond surveillance and cover covert and offensive operations too

Lend a Helping Hand
Policy makers should address the psychological needs of the soldiers


Towards Self-Reliance
The navy continues to be committed to indigenisation in all domains, says Navy Chief

Frontier Fighters
Increased vigil on Indo-Pak border has forced infiltrators to seek alternate routes, says DG SSB

Border Wise
Border management, both land and coastal, remains a big challenge

Guided Fire Assaults
India lags behind Pakistan in its acquisition of crucial smart projectiles

Homegrown Behemoth
PLAN commissions its first indigenous aircraft carrier

Exchange of Ideas
The bilateral INDRA-2019 showcased training exercises between Indian and Russian armed forces


Against All Odds
How one man’s vision and determination led to unexpected breakthrough. An extract


View from Pakistan | Serious Concern
Syed Ali Zia Jaffery

Pravin Sawhney


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