IAF Sets Up Covid Air Support Management Cell
The IAF is operating a Covid Air Support Management Cell (CASMC) at Palam Air Base since 27 April. The primary task of the cell is to efficiently coordinate for the distribution of all the relief aid coming from foreign countries.
As per a press statement from the IAF, “The cell is operational round the clock. Resources have been coordinated to cater for surge operations which include manpower, ground handling and loading eqpt and vehicles like flat top trailers and fork lifters.”
One C-130 and two AN-32 transport aircraft are operating at Palam from 28 April to airlift load on short notice across the country. A mock drill for such an emergency airlift was also carried out on 29 April, to streamline coordination amongst various stakeholders.
Communication links with all important stakeholders like MoHFW, Secy COVID, Hindustan Latex Limited (HLL) and the Indian Red Cross Society (IRCS) have been established for seamless flow of information and to reduce time delays. A meeting with Delhi International Airport Limited (DIAL), Air India SATS and Air Force Movement Liaison Unit was held to streamline custom and warehousing related issues.