Diehl Defence Presents New Light Remote Carrier FEANIX at ILA 2024

At ILA Berlin (June 5-9), Diehl Defence presented for the first time a model of the new Light Remote Carrier FEANIX. FEANIX stands for Future Effector Adaptable, Networked, Intelligent, Xpendable.

The Light Remote Carrier (LRC) is characterised by a weight of less than 300kg and a length of 4 metre. It is a long-range effector which can be launched from the air, from land as well as from sea. Due to its modularity, the LRC is individually equip able with different payloads, from sensors to lethal and non-lethal effectors, depending on the operational scenario and mission. Thanks to the low signature (low observable), the Light Remote Carrier is difficult to detect by the enemy air defence and it makes a valuable contribution to the networked battle management. Besides the mentioned modularity, FEANIX is also characterised by its networking, swarming, robustness and stand-off capability.

Remote carriers are a core element of the international FCAS programme, but are also used beyond the FCAS role, which is why Diehl Defence aims for an operational availability well before the FCAS realisation period of 2040 and beyond.

Light Remote Carriers are the missiles of the future in operational, overall joint forces operations in order to master the upcoming challenges within the networked and highly competitive battlefield. Their teaming and swarming capability is a game changer in future scenarios. The required complexity in mission control can be achieved by the outsourcing of functions and capabilities which is made possible through the use of LRC’s. Hereby, Light Remote Carriers operate highly automated and independent of the carrier system. LRC’s provide an increased capability for all dimensions, such as land, air, sea and cyber in so called multi-domain operations (MDO). LRC’s will be required in a high quantity and in different variants in the battlefield of the future in order to meet the broad capability requirements. The combat power on the battlefield is increased due to the high number of LRC’s (combat mass). Thus, the risk to crews in their expensive platforms is significantly reduced.



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