Schiebel Demonstrates Cutting-Edge Maritime Unmanned Systems in NATO Exercises

Schiebel, in collaboration with various partners, showcased its technological prowess in maritime unmanned systems during the REPMUS (Robotic Experimentation and Prototyping using Maritime Uncrewed Systems) and Dynamic Messenger 2023 exercises in Portugal. The highlight was the utilization of the CAMCOPTER® S-100, displaying its Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) sonobuoy deployment, bathymetric scanning for Rapid Environmental Assessment (REA) and Mine Counter Measures (MCM), as well as Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) and profiling float deployment capabilities.


In the realm of Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW), Schiebel presented a comprehensive solution, incorporating both sonobuoy relay data capabilities, demonstrated in the previous REPMUS event, and the new deployment of NATO-standard G-size sonobuoys via a dispenser integrated with the S-100.


For Mine Counter Measures (MCM), the CAMCOPTER® S-100 exhibited a successful collaboration with the Austrian company RIEGL and Thales, employing the VQ-840-G LiDAR. Through the adaptable Thales MCM Mission Management System (M-CUBE), the S-100 executed a complete airborne MCM mine-hunting mission, achieving a remarkable 100% detection rate of all mine targets.


In Rapid Environmental Assessment (REA), the S-100 employed its cargo hook to deploy the Yuco AUV from Sabre and the APEX profiling float from Teledyne, generating a topo bathymetric situational overview. The Fugro Rapid Airborne Multibeam Mapping System (RAMMS) from Areté significantly contributed to this topo bathymetric product, specifically addressing surf zone areas inaccessible to surface assets.


Furthermore, Schiebel demonstrated Unmanned-Unmanned Teaming (U-UT) by relaying data from ALSEAMAR’s SEAEXPLORER glider to a Combat Management System (CMS), validating the underwater vehicle’s capability to operate without satellite assistance.


Hans Georg Schiebel, Chairman of the Schiebel Group, expressed the significance of these NATO exercises, stating, “The S-100 once again proved to be a vital unmanned asset in supporting the latest maritime defence solutions, such as ASW and MCM – offering highly sought after capabilities.”


Partners in this endeavour included Areté, Thales, Seaber (Yuco), Teledyne (APEX), ALSEAMAR (SEAEXPLORER), RIEGL, and Fugro. The involvement of the S-100 in these exercises was sponsored by both the UK Royal Navy and the U.S. Office of Naval Research, with REPMUS and Dynamic Messenger being hosted by the Portuguese Navy.



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