IAI Unveils Robotic Combat Task Force Based on Human Machine Integrated Formation

Israel Aerospace Industries recently unveiled the Robotic Combat Task Force based on Human Machine Integrated Formation. This is the first time in the world that a group of ground and aerial robotics controlled by humans are playing a significant role in manoeuvring on the battlefield.

IAI’s chairman, Amir Peretz, former deputy prime minister and minister of defence said, “IAI stands alongside the Israeli defence establishment and the IDF, and this is its top priority. However, alongside this commitment, as we have demonstrated over the past year, we have maintained business continuity and service continuity for our partners and clients worldwide. One of our missions during the Iron Swords war is to create advanced robotically unmanned technological solutions that will allow us to both ensure the safety of our civilians and soldiers, while minimizing harm to non-combatants.”

Added IAI’s president and CEO, Boaz Levy, “At the core of IAI’s concept of land systems is the need to assist ground forces in the field in conducting their various missions with minimal risk to the soldier’s lives. IAI has won two significant projects from Israel’s defence establishment, ‘Carmel’ and ‘Standoff-In’ (SOI), representing a breakthrough in the world of robotic combat vehicles. The robotic solutions developed by IAI are now in operational use at Israel’s borders and in various combat units in the current operation. The advanced systems are designed to support the missions of the manoeuvring forces in various stages of combat, performing advanced tasks such as the opening of routes for troop advancement, the provision of logistical assistance, gathering intelligence information, and the ability to close detection /attack loops using humane remotely-controlled weapons systems. As the prime contractor for the Israeli MoD in the field of Robotic Combat Task Force, I see a great opportunity for expanding collaborations with our allies in the United States and worldwide.”

IAI’s executive vice president for North America, Amir Geva pointed out, “During the recent conflict, technologies developed recently at IAI enabled the IDF to carry out fully robotic combat missions, drastically reducing the risk to Israeli troops. These missions, including clearing paths, bridging, and countering IEDs, typically pose high risks but were successfully completed from planning to execution using robotics, all while enhancing situational awareness. Using unmanned systems alongside manned ones in combat has transformed how we approach warfare. It demonstrates IAI’s commitment to developing technologies that protect lives while maximizing the efficiency of integrated assets on the battlefield.”

The solution performs complex, high-risk operations up to the battalion and even brigade levels. The field commander and operators define the missions and rules for engagement in the Automission (mission planning and execution management system) using an easy-to-use graphical interface operational workstation and advanced workflow allocation. Automission distributes the missions to the robotic platforms as the operators supervise them. The missions are carried out with minimal involvement of human operators and in full coordination with the combat forces.

D9 bulldozers, converted into ground robotic tools by IAI, are operational and leading the combat forces. These systems enable the efficient and effective execution of complex engineering tasks for extended periods of time without human exposure in the field, thereby significantly reducing the risk to soldier’s lives. IAI developed its unique technology over the last ten years and represents a significant breakthrough in the field of robotic systems, with an emphasis on coping with complex terrain conditions.

IAI’s vision of ground systems is based on three principles: situational awareness, survivability, and lethality. By combining several advanced technologies, the systems can identify threats, active and passive defence measures, and close loops in autonomously in real time.



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